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Spring Lake Engagement Session | Amy & OJ

Their Session: Spring Lake Engagement Session

Amy & OJ’s Spring Lake engagement session was so much fun! These two had me cracking up with laughter from the minute we started. The joy that these two share together is simply contagious. You can see how much they love each other and how much that love spreads to others from just a few minutes with them They’re a power couple if I’ve ever seen one! 🙂 We caught the tail end of cherry blossoms at Divine Park, and had a quiet cloudy beach all to ourselves! It was perfect! I can’t wait to share all the photos, but first, you’ve gotta read their love story!

Their Love Story

I asked Amy & OJ to share with me one thing they love about each other. OJ said, “I love how grounded Amy is in her faith and how she supports me in all aspects of my life.” Amy said, “I absolutely love OJ’s heart (the heart he has for me, for his family and friends, and for God). He has this contagious light about him that you just want to be around him all the time!”

How They Met

I just love the story of how these two met! Amy & OJ first connected back in May of 2018 at OJ’s sister’s graduation party! Amy & OJ gave me the inside scoop. They said, “Amy is friends with OJ’s sister because they were both part of the Montclair State Dance Company. At this particular event, OJ introduced himself to Amy. There definitely was interest on both ends, but nothing ever transpired. Fast forward to the following year in June of 2019, OJ reconnected with Amy at his sister’s birthday party. At this event, sparks began to fly even more between both Amy and OJ.”

“Following his sister‘s party, OJ would frequently reach out to Amy with opportunities for local teaching jobs since she had just graduated with her masters in teaching. He would proceed to slide into Amy‘s DM‘s on Instagram with these job postings. After a few unsuccessful attempts, OJ wanted to reach out one last time. Upon reaching out, Amy thanked him for the effort and shared exciting news that she had landed her first full-time teaching job!”

“OJ saw this as an opportunity to ask Amy out on a congratulatory dinner date. Amy then proceeded to tell OJ that she was going out with his sister the following weekend and he should join. OJ did not want to go out with Amy and his sister, but rather just Amy and him. So OJ made up an excuse saying he couldn’t make it that weekend and proposed the following weekend instead. Amy finally gave in and accepted to go out to dinner with him. It ended up being that the dinner felt incredibly organic and natural with one another. They spent two hours at dinner and another two hours at the bar sharing their hearts. One year later, on September 20, 2020, OJ finally asked Amy to be his girlfriend.”

The Proposal

If you thought that story was sweet, you’re going to love their proposal story! It gives me chills every time I read it! As these two tell it, “Amy is incredibly hard to surprise. OJ had to be incredibly thoughtful about his approach to asking Amy for her hand in marriage. About a month before the proposal, OJ scheduled one-on-one time with the priest at their church to plan a thoughtful proposal. OJ talked to the priest and suggested scheduling a private confession with Amy and proposing shortly after. The priest agreed to the plan!”

“During this preparation time, OJ told Amy that he scheduled time for the both of them to meet with their priest to host a private confession on Friday, June 30th. Amy was excited to embark on this new experience with OJ! A few weeks later, OJ had told Amy there was a work event scheduled for them to attend in New York City that same day. OJ purposely planned the confession a few hours before this work event in order to make sure Amy was dressed up! Little did Amy know this is all part of OJ’s master plan. Amy truly believed there was a networking event for OJ’s company. So much, that she decided to bring her business cards and practice her elevator pitch for her recently launched business.”

“As Amy and OJ traveled to the church that Friday afternoon, OJ was feeling quite nervous. However, Amy thought nothing of it since this would be his very first ever confession. That made complete sense in her mind. As they stepped out of the car, OJ had hung his suit jacket up in the backseat which was holding the ring. OJ went to put his suit jacket back on and Amy immediately proceeded to ask him, “Why are you putting your jacket on sweetheart? It is very hot out and we are already way too dressed up for confession.” OJ cleverly answered Amy with, “Ame, it completes the look!”. Amy nodded in agreement since this is something OJ would typically respond with.”

“After Amy and OJ walk into the church together, OJ goes into his confession first while Amy goes to pray in the chapel. Following OJ’s confession, the priest asks him, “So OJ, what’s the plan?” OJ told the priest he had a photographer hiding outside and needed him to stall Amy during her confession in order to provide ample time for the photographer to sneak in. The priest agreed! OJ and Amy switched places and while Amy was in her confession, OJ brought the photographer inside to hide in the back of the chapel. OJ then began to kneel down and pray. After her confession, Amy walked into the chapel to kneel next to OJ and pray with one another. With their hands joined, hearts connected, and souls washed clean, they prayed together for the next couple minutes.”

“Immediately after, OJ grabbed Amy‘s hands and said, “There is a lot I confessed to Father Pawel (the priest), but there is something I need to confess to you.” As he spoke these words, OJ walked Amy up to the altar. With tears in both their eyes, OJ got down on one knee, professed his love to Amy, and ended with “Amy, will you marry me?” Without a second to spare, Amy nodded and shouted, “YES!”

Amy & OJ

Amy and OJ, thank you so much for having me be a part of such a special season. I adore you two and couldn’t be more grateful for you both! I am beyond excited for your wedding at The Conservatory at Sussex County Fairgrounds this September! Until then, enjoy soaking up this season of being fiances!! Sending the biggest hug! xoxo

If you loved this Spring Lake engagement session, you’ll also love this Cross Estate Gardens session!

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